Nesting Tags Earn Through Your Mobile. Without Any Job !
If you want to your text bold, italic, blue and 18 points in size, then you can do so by nesting the previous learnt tags.
While nesting tags, make sure to close tags in order. Observe the correctness and incorrectness in the following example.
Same types of tags cannot be nested, with the exception of [quote]. It is not necessary to nest [b] tags, since bold text cannot be bold any more. On the other hand, it is possible to quote someone else's quotations.
If you want to your text bold, italic, blue and 18 points in size, then you can do so by nesting the previous learnt tags.
[b][i][color=blue][size=18pt] It Works! [/size][/color][/i][/b]
It Works!
[b][i][color=blue][size=18pt] It Works! [/size][/color][/i][/b]
It Works!
While nesting tags, make sure to close tags in order. Observe the correctness and incorrectness in the following example.
I've [b][i]Forgot[/b][/i] - Incorrect
I've [b][i]Forgot[/i][/b] something. - Correct
I've [b][i]Forgot[/b][/i] - Incorrect
I've [b][i]Forgot[/i][/b] something. - Correct
Same types of tags cannot be nested, with the exception of [quote]. It is not necessary to nest [b] tags, since bold text cannot be bold any more. On the other hand, it is possible to quote someone else's quotations.